coast capital savings

Coast Capital Savings - Strategy: 'Good Morning Canada!'

Coast Capital Savings - Strategy: 'Good Morning Canada!'

In the movie ‘Good Morning Vietman!’ then Robin Williams encouraged troops and energized betterment. Coast Capital Savings Credit Union CEO, Don Coulter, may have executed a similar feat. Though the recent member approval of its federal credit union strategy then Coast Capital Savings has arguably broadcasted ‘Good Morning Canada!’ to the national financial services industry. It seems that industry is listening to the broadcast. A battle may loom, even if the troops wear business attire rather than army uniform. To the victor goes the right to serve members, a group that may be the primary beneficiaries of forthcoming phase of industry evolution.

Coast Capital Savings: Federal credit union implications for the B.C. system

Coast Capital Savings: Federal credit union implications for the B.C. system

One member one vote. A core principle of cooperative organizations.

Coast Capital Savings Credit Union is currently conducting an important member vote. Its management and Board seek member approval to submit, and to progress, an application to the federal government for Coast Capital Savings to become a federal credit union.

This is a big deal for members of Coast Capital Savings. But it also has significant and diverse implications for the B.C. credit union industry.